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Особенно гинекологуSphynx писал(а) 01.06.2023, 11:38:Родители должны объяснить ребенку, что интимные части тела, которые находятся под нижним бельем (трусики, маечка, купальник) принадлежат только ему и он не должен никому позволять смотреть, трогать и фотографировать их.
Sphynx писал(а) 01.06.2023, 11:38:маечка
Принадлежат ему, но как ими распоряжаться решать не ему.Sphynx писал(а) 01.06.2023, 11:38:интимные части тела принадлежат только ему и он не должен никому позволять смотреть, трогать и фотографировать их.
Sphynx писал(а) 01.06.2023, 11:38:«К пяти годам у большинства детей формируется чувство стыдливости,
Ага, щас. У нас подмываться вечером это обязанность, сама она этого делать не стала бы, лень.Sphynx писал(а) 01.06.2023, 11:38:Большинство детей научаются справляться с интимной гигиеной в возрасте трех-пяти лет
Ага, щас.Sphynx писал(а) 01.06.2023, 11:38:К пяти годам у большинства детей формируется чувство стыдливости
https://www.rulit.me/books/ugo-chaves-read-776974-17.htmlПервая влюблённость тоже связана со школой в Сабанете. С синеглазой учительницы четвероклассник Угито не сводил глаз! Молоденькой учительнице было нелегко управляться с тридцатью озорными мальчишками. Уго всегда садился в первом ряду, старательно выполнял задания, но он однажды сорвался: швырнул тетрадку с домашним сочинением на стол учительнице, промахнулся, поднял тетрадь только после сделанного ему замечания. Учительница вряд ли догадалась, что мальчик приревновал её к преподавателю, дарившему ей шоколадки. (Эту историю Чавес рассказал в интервью газете «Ультимас нотисиас» в феврале 1992 года, будучи узником тюрьмы Яре. Учительница Кармен Эхильда Креспо, впервые узнавшая о мальчишеской влюблённости Уго, навестила бывшего ученика в тюрьме. Они проговорили несколько часов, вспоминая о далёких годах в Сабанете, о школе и одноклассниках. Её поразило, что Чавес, герой восстания, хранит в себе мельчайшие подробности детских лет.)
TJ also provided infomation that was in tandem with TE's information by expounding:Children force each other to have sex when playing away from parents or adults.
TD added:One day a child came to me and said this one is doshing another, meaning having sexual intercourse, because they don't want to use the real word. The word dosh is their own word to describe sexual intercourse. CSE can stop this behaviour if taught to children.
These teachers who expressed the need for CSE to be taught in early grades may have been driven by the fact that children were having sexual intercourse whilst still very young. They could pass HIV on to each other because some of these children could have already been abused sexually by HIV-positive adults. Some people believe that sexual intercourse with young children can enhance animal fertility. make them rich, promote bumper harvests, and cure AIDS. Some children could have been born HIV-positive. The most upsetting practice was that some of these very young children were coercing each other to have sex, which bears a resemblance to rape in adults, hence teachers perceived that CSE could help to curb such behaviours which shows how crucial it is to teach CSE to children in early grades. The imitation of such sexual behaviours by children was acknowledged by Kellogg (2010) and Fletcher et al. (2013) who also acknowledged that the behaviour was extremely risky Consequently, they saw CSE as important because they believed it could be taught to children to safeguard them from abuse by adults as well as stopping them from abusing each other given that contracting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, is also possible among children themselves.Some children are reported by others to the teacher for trying to have sexual intercourse with other children. Some even force other children to have sex.
TE had this to say on the same issue:Children even play with their sexual organs and sometimes show others or their friends their sexual organs, especially erect penises. I believe if children are effectively taught CSE such behaviours could be terminated.
TJ stated the following:The tendency to show each other sexual organs is also a clear indicator. Children can just say. look at my penis, my friend. You know, young children are very funny. they actually show their colleagues those sexual organs, both boys and girls.
The information provided above clearly indicates the teachers discomfort with the sexual behaviours of the children they teach; as a result, they wanted CSE to be taught to children because they anticipated that it might assist these children in discarding such behaviours which further shows what teachers believed to be another merit of teaching CSE to young children. The showing of each other, and the stimulation of, their sexual organs by children at the phallic stage is considered normal childhood behaviour by Sigmund Freud (Mwamwenda, 2015). However, the teachers were not comfortable with it. They wanted CSE to be taught in order to control such behaviour because it is socially unacceptable and sexually risky Chavula (2016) also noted this behaviour among children given that they are sexual beings and consequently advised that it should not be ignored but rather be given attention through the provision of CSE.These children enjoy stimulating their sexual organs and showing them to each other. This is done by both boys and girls.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372145387_Is_playing_violent_video_games_a_risk_factor_for_aggressive_behaviour_Adding_narcissism_self-esteem_and_PEGI_ratings_to_the_debateviolent video game choice is a predictor of verbal aggression alongside narcissism
Ну естественно что вербал, я про это сразу и подумал. Хорошо что уточнили.galaburdakirill2 писал(а) 09.07.2023, 11:53:verbal